Saturday, December 21, 2013

Five Things: My Friend Ann

Hello All, welcome to Fredonia's blog!  Fredonia is my store, but also a feeling I am trying to create and share, one of creativity, expression, joy, humor, fun and community. A place where we can get to know each other better. My first post is one from a column I hope to feature regularly, Five Things. Five Things about...whatever strikes my fancy at the time! This one is Five Things: My Friend Ann

Man, I haven’t seen Ann in two years and we haven’t lived in the same town for five but I think in all that time there have only been a few days that we haven’t had some form of contact. She had babies and moved to Florida, I had a 4 year stay in Austin.  Now that I am in Chattanooga we are a day trip away but with her kids and my business I still haven’t seen her. In tough times we fantasize about hunkering down on each other’s couches in our PJ’s and binging on chips and bad reality TV together. Isn’t that what friends are for?

Five Things: My Friend Ann
1.  She thinks repetition is funny. 
2.  She LOVES and I mean LOVES Lifetime movies and has zero shame about it.
3. She makes up silly songs and sings them to my voice mail.
4. She is a superior potty humorist which I admittedly enjoy immensely.
5. At one point she ate so many baby carrots that her skin turned orange

Let someone know what you love about them today, maybe call someone you have been thinking about or ask a friend what they value in you. Can you feel the love? Spread it around! XO