Friday, January 31, 2014

For the Love of Dogs

I love animals, period. I have never not had a pet, more like pets, I can't imagine life without a furry companion...or 2 or 5! My heart goes out to all of those sweet babies out there just waiting for new homes and sadly, the ones who will never get the chance. We recently adopted our sweet Redbone Coonhound, Lulu from The Pet Placement Center  and had such a wonderful experience that I wanted to get involved with them somehow.

On Saturday February 8th from 11:30 to 3:00, Pet Placement Center will be at Fredonia with these sweet babies who need a home; Mae, Josephine, Sydney and Decker. Should any of them be lucky enough to find homes before the 8th, Oscar and Laila will be joining us. If you are looking for a new family member, I encourage you to check out their bios here

Please pass this along to any one you know who may be interested in a new baby and stop by and say hello to these cuties! 

Call me at the shop with any questions 423-602-5501

Monday, January 27, 2014


So,  I have been bombarded in my news feed lately with so much negativity, from politics and religion, to small, seemingly petty gripes and complaints. I don't think that most of us even know that we are doing it, but, at the end of the day it adds up to alot of negativity. I don't want to come off as obnoxious, it's not like I float around on a pink cloud all day and never feel anything other than great, in fact, quite the opposite. All the more reason I practice gratitude, being in the moment and compassion. "Practice" being the key word, it takes work! And I have been at it for years.

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook yesterday, I love it and was immediately in. I did this last year with crafts and it was so great. I am passing it along to you as a challenge, to copy and paste this to your Facebook, participate and see what happens!

To start this year off in a loving way I'm participating in the Pay-it-Forward initiative... The first five people who comment on this status with "I'm in" will receive a surprise from me at some point in this calendar year- anything from a book, a ticket, a visit, something home-grown or made, a postcard, absolutely any surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood comes over me and I find something that I believe would suit you and make you happy. These five people must make the same offer in their FB status and distribute their own joy. Simply copy this text onto your profile, (don't share) so we can form a web of connection and kindness. 

Good luck, hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

In Your Space: Bean and Bailey Ceramics

One of the things I love about having my shop is getting to meet and know my community. Chattanooga is full of so many talented people putting their craft to work and through Fredonia I met Jessie and Anderson, the husband and wife team behind Bean and Bailey Ceramics. Jessie and Anderson relocated to Chattanooga from Portland, Oregon for the opportunity to set up shop in Highland Park. I spent some time with them and their outstanding little dog, Mr. Parker, in their studio space yesterday, it's the most fun I've had in a while and I wanted to stay all day and get my hands dirty. Oh, and I will take one of everything please!

Why Chattanooga?
It is in the south and surrounded by green.  When we moved here there were a lot of grant opportunities for artists.  That is kind of what lured us in.  It is also a great central location, close to Nashville, Atlanta, and Birmingham.  

What's the best thing about clay?
It is plastic; it responds to your touch, it takes on any mark you want to make on it, and the possibilities are limitless.
What do you love about your studio space?
We love that it is a shared space and we have the opportunity to see other processes and materials being used.  We also have an exhibition space up front, which most studios don't have.  This allows us to bring the public in and expose them to what we are doing, along with interesting things other people are doing.  

 Random thing that's beautiful to you:
Jessie: teeth, especially Mr. Parker's teeth
Anderson: swimming belly up underwater, looking back up at the surface of the water. 

One place in Chattanooga I shouldn't miss:
The Farmer's Daughter, duh.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pieces of Home

My husband Riley and I  moved to Chattanooga from Austin, TX last February for several reasons, one being housing. After living in small one bedroom apartments for years, we both wanted a yard, a house with character and history and to be a part of a neighborhood community. Our home was built in the early 1900's, located in Highland Park and full of the character I was craving. I have two gorgeous fireplaces and not one, but two clawfoot tubs, a lucky gal indeed.

My home is my sanctuary, comfort and serenity are paramount. I am a lover of all things old and aged and have filled my space with all sorts of found treasures and family remembrances. Every item is intentional and everywhere I look I am reminded of those who love me.

. Home IS where the heart is, right?! I hope that you will enjoy a glimpse into my favorite space. XO

Sunday, January 19, 2014

14 Mind-Crowding Ideas To Let Go Of In 2014 by Tracy Spruce

Today's post comes from my dear friend, Tracy Spruce, there are so many reasons why I love this woman and am so grateful to call her friend, keep reading and it's easy to see why. Tracy lives in Austin with her husband and 2 of her 3 equally amazing children and teaches 8th grade English(bless her)! I am insanely jealous of her thrifting skills and miss her like crazy.

I’ve been slow to do this at the turn of the year. Not because I haven’t been thinking about it. In fact, I’m doing this because I think too much. And after reading a similar blog post “14 Fucks I Refuse to Give in 2014” I decided to try it on myself.
This past year I grieved the loss of my father, decided to continue my 17-year teaching career after months of serious consideration of “what else could I do for a living?” (going back was one of the best decisions I ever made) started and have consistently continued a yoga practice, quit smoking, started smoking again, grieved, stopped, started, etc. So instead of resolving to start or stop doing anymore than I already have, I have instead considered what I spend the most time worrying and wondering about, and have decided it’s best to simply clear my mind out more in this upcoming year. I think yoga taught me this. Loss has taught me this. Simply put, I need to not give a damn a little more about certain ideas that clog up my head. Here goes.
14 mind-crowding ideas to let go of in 2014, i.e. what not to give a damn about (no particular order):
1.     The wrinkles around my eyes. These lines are beautiful and hard earned, damn it. If my eyes tell my story, then the lines around them are the page numbers, or better yet, the punctuation marks.  So, one filter per photograph allowed, but more than that means I’m playing digital Botox and need to stop.
2.     What others (besides my students) think of my approach to teaching reading and writing. It’s revolutionary, I know. I teach kids to choose and read books they want to read, and to write about their lives in writer’s notebooks without constant giving them “prompts” or assignments. I’ll shrug challenges off. There are plenty of schools in the state and nation and I’m single digits away from retirement anyway.
3.     That others know I don’t drink anymore. I don’t drink anymore. Going on 6 years. Trust me, the world is a better place because of this fact, and by world I mean the space between my ears.
4.     Whether I dress my age or not. I don’t. Fuck it. Who cares?
5.     If only I could manage well. I can manage a classroom, manage looking pretty good most days, keep an incredibly clean house, and manage to procrastinate myself into “Oh shit!” mode a lot when it comes to financial tasks or household “business.” It would serve my family and me better by not stressing so much about the fact that I’m not a great manager and maybe just take one task, one phone call at a time. I’d probably manage better if I weren’t trying to manage better.
6.     That I need gobs of friends and to be busy all the time to be happy. It’s never been who I am. I’ve always had my few “go-to” girls, and I love being alone and can sit for hours doing nothing much and feel completely content. So maybe I could quit spending head time worrying that I need to be busier doing things with lots of different people.
7.     Wondering if I am happy. Maybe if anytime I find the thought in my head I would just remember to answer “Yes!” would clear some space to be it.
8.     Practice makes perfect. Progress not perfection. I think I need to get the word “perfect” out of my mind completely. Maybe I can just embrace practice makes progress.
9.     Blaming the Internet. I have found myself angry and agitated because I know my mind works differently now because of my smartphone and the damn interwebs. I have seriously grieved the person I was before we were all so connected. I’m certain I was less agitated and thought differently. I often find myself angry because I also perceive a difference in the kids I teach now from the ones I had nearly 20 years ago. Which leads to…
10.  That my version of the past is real. My own kids say things like, “Remember when…” and I don’t remember. I’ve got filters on my brain and can also use nostalgia as a weapon against myself too often. Maybe I can let the past just be and know that my own cerebrum may be fooling me most days.
11. That people change. They really don’t too much. They make adjustments and do things differently for themselves, but it’s none of my business if they do or don’t. I don’t really change that much. Even this list is a crapshoot and probably pie in the sky for me, why would expect different from others?
12. Wondering where the time went. I have had and do have plenty of time.  Cliché, but staying out of my head more and just being present would serve me hugely.
13. That grief has a time period and I should stop crying. I’ll never be the same girl I was before my dad died. He was the most important man in my life, for my whole life, and is now gone. I’ll cry as long as I need to and quit trying to stop.
14.  That this year will be better than the last. 2014 will have its ups and downs, it’s pushes and pulls, but it probably won’t be better or worse than last year and if I try and make it better…it’ll probably suck. Even in my worst years there was good stuff happening. And bad shit happened during some of the most exciting times of my life. Cliché, again, but I want to spend 2014 embracing everything that comes, holding myself strong above a yoga mat, grieving, writing, smiling hard with wrinkly eyes, and most importantly, not thinking so damn much.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Five Things:Small Everyday Joys

Noticing the small joys and beauty in everyday life is part of my practice of gratitude. These lists come easily to me now as I have done a lot of work on being in the present and letting go of things I can’t control, which is pretty much everything. Letting go and gratitude; I could go on and on and on about them, but for today I will keep it simple.

Five Things: Small Everyday Joys

        1.  Waking up with my pets in the bed
        2.  The coffee my husband made waiting for me in the morning
        3 .The book I’m reading on my nightstand
        4. The feeling of coming home after a long day at work
        5.  Having the door held for me by a stranger

These things bring me joy, are beautiful and keep me grounded when I want to feel sorry for myself or ruminate too long about something or someone who isn’t doing what I think they should(HA!), for them I am grateful. What small joys or
beauty did you notice in your world today?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Five Things: Songs

We all love music for so many reasons; the way the bass  and drums drive the beat, the lilt or rawness of a singer’s voice,  an overflow of emotion, maybe it just makes you happy or the lyrics just slay you. If the song is really awesome, it does most or all of the above. All of the songs on my current top five list move me physically and emotionally in some way and all for different reasons.

Five Things: Favorite Songs
1.       Loose, The Stooges
2.       Birds, Neil Young
3.       Mother of Pearl, Roxy Music
4.       Zero Hour, The Plimsouls
5.       Tangled Up in Blue, Bob Dylan

 I love where music takes me; sometimes into the world the song creates with it’s lyrics, sometimes to the place in time when I first heard it or to memories of a special person in a special time of my life. Songs are like a calling card to the past for me, I can pull them out and be transported. Often, I can pull them out and just be rooted in the moment by the pure joy of moving my body to the rhythm.  Does music transport you? Where does it take you and with whom? Could you easily do a current Five Favorite Songs list right now off the top of your head?! Rock on, XO

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: Perspective

It’s a new year and the possibilities are endless! 2013 saw so many wonderful changes in my life, a wedding, a big move, a new dog, an awesome new business, wonderful new friends; so many small everyday gratitudes that I couldn’t even list them all here. I’m excited about the year ahead and rather than making resolutions that I end up abandoning  and then beating myself up for,  I am going to continue to  work on my perspective and self-awareness. For me, some changes come “easier” than others and there are some areas of my life I find hard to let go off so, instead of coming from a place of judgment and pressure, can I come from a place of curiosity and meaning? Do I want to be result driven or present in the process?  Can I make getting there interesting and fun? Is there a new way I could look at this thing in my life that I’d like to change or become more comfortable with? Can I work on shifting my perspective from what’s wrong to what’s right? It’s often difficult for me to fight the messages of my inner critic, can I acknowledge them and just appreciate that I showed up, which is half the battle anyway? At the end of the day, can I look at where I showed up rather than where I fell short?
How about you, what are 3 things you are grateful for right now in this very moment? How did you show up for your life today?

Perfectly imperfect, I move into 2014 as a constant work in progress, mindful of being more kind and loving to myself and others. Here’s to a wonderful new year!! XOXO