Monday, February 24, 2014

Fredonia: Why I Chose The Name

The question I get asked the most at the store, besides where to park, is how I came up with the name of the shop. Well, I have an undying love for all things aged and antiquated, including names. Great turn of the last century names like Theodora, Delphine, Cora, Pearl, Sophronia, Imogene and the like. For me they are invocative of a lost time, a feeling of nostalgia, romance, lace, cameos and corsets. I immediately get a feeling when I say these names. Fredonia, it sounded like a place to me, a destination, and turns out there's a Fredonia mountain nearby, a Fredonia Kentucky and Fredonia New York as well.

My hope was that as the store grew, the name would grow as well...into a feeling, a place, a destination, a style all of it's own. That it would create it's own unique and special community and be invocative of something to my customers. "That's so Fredonia...." What ever that may be for you. My hope is that it's a good feeling, one of anticipation to see what's new in stock,, friendliness as we get to know each other, fun in trying on clothing that reflects a different perspective, connection as we try to build our community yoga classes.

And for the record, you can park in our lot! The signs all say reserved but they are reserved for the businesses in our building and for the folks who live in the condos upstairs. So no worries when you come to see us. Hope to see you soon! XO

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Five Things: My Birthday

A woman should never tell her age? Whatever, I turn 43 on Saturday and am unabashedly proud of it! The reality of the fact that(should I be so lucky) I am in the middle of life has been in my heart and on my mind all month and given me much to think about. Mostly what's been coming up is gratitude, a feeling that all is well and a peace around the mystery of life. Yeah, I know that's deep, but 5, 10, 20, years ago, I had no idea what my 40's would look like and so far they have been amazing. My 20's: were a hot mess, searching for the seeds of the life I wanted, having no idea how to find them let alone plant them and really not liking myself for it. My 30's: the light started to come on, I was given some seeds and directions on how to plant them and I stumbled but kept trying. My 40's: the seeds took root, grew and are blooming into serenity, acceptance, rich relationships, joy and mindfulness. Now my job is to tend my garden of gifts, do a lot of weeding and watering...Whoa, heavy, but so true. So, this birthday I am truly celebrating ME and all this year has given me.

Five Things: My Birthday

1. An acute awareness of how quickly time moves.
2. A day all about me filled with well wishes from my loved ones.
3. CAKE!
4. I took the day off, no big plans, but a girl shouldn't work on her birthday.
5. A party to cook and decorate for, I live for this stuff.

Here I am at 3, 13, 23, 33 and just a few days shy of 43. Here's to birthday's!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In Your Space: Spool

I was so happy when a friend told me about Spool, a fabric and notions shop at 1420 McCallie Ave. As I love to craft AND it's in my neighborhood of Highland Park, I headed right over to check it out. What I found was another female small business owner, Maddie Kertay,  bringing her passion for quilting to life in a wonderfully colorful and inviting space that got me really wanting to pull my sewing machine out and get to making those curtains for my bedroom that I've needed for a year...

Check out what Maddie is doing here, here and here:

How and when did you learn to quilt?

Being  a rather stubborn autodidactic I taught myself to quilt about 4 years ago. I have sewn since I was about 9 years old but quilting was not on my radar until I ran into some of the wonderful progressive quilting blogs that are out there today.

Why Chattanooga, and why Highland Park?

We have made Chattanooga home for the last 17 years so it was a natural for a place to open my business. The creative bent of Chattanooga is very strong and I love that vibe. The space I found in HP was just the right fit for who I want to be hanging out with and the statement I want to make about my business. Above all I want to be accessible to anyone with a desire to create.  The vibe is HP is so welcoming and genuine that it just felt right pick the area for my store.

What is the best thing about owning your own business?
Connection with people and helping them embrace their creative nature has always been my passion, my business just lets me do it in a bigger way!

If you weren't afraid you would...

I would have a second..errrr.. third? ( I really have a second—The Bad Ass Quilters Society) business. My pet project with my husband (Physiologist Dr. Les Kertay- Marriage and Sex therapist) is a project called   A Daring Marriage, it focuses on what it take to create and maintain and  dynamic marriage – so sexuality, commination, and growth.   I really think that Chattanooga NEEDS a classy, quality resource for information, products and support of sexuality.. Yes I said it .. I think Chattanooga needs a REALLY NICE sex toy shop J  ( you can decided to leave that out.. I know it might be a bit much for this blog interview)

If you could collaborate with any one, who would it be? Why?

Oh wow… hmmmm Right now I would really love to work some more with Erica Napolatano  ( red head writing) or Maria Forelo to bust some moves on my web presence.

If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do with it?
Well I should say exercise.. but in truth having a business that has a creative focus means I don’t get to do a lot of creative stuff for myself so I would have to say that I would take that hour and have personal studio time each day to feed my soul

 Your favorite place in Chattanooga right now

Today is totally beautiful so I would have to say that place is my front porch.

How would you spend a perfect day in Chattanooga?

We have a lot of people to travel from states around here to come to the store so I often get asked what to do here in town while they are in for the weekend... I tailor my answer to each person based on what I know about them.  IF they are the outdoor type I tell them about the river walk.. if they are funky food people I point them to Aretha Frankenstein’s or Champy’s chicken. If they have kids I point them to the Aquarium or the Children’s museum.  I love sending people down to the main street to check out what is going on down there or  even Warehouse row to shop.  I think there are SO many ways to have a perfect day in Chattanooga.. I can’t pick just one!


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Girl: Tiffany Kanjanabout

For those of you you haven't met her already, meet our shopgirl, Tiffany Kanjanabout. Holding down the fort for us on Sundays, Tiffany is a perfect fit to our Fredonia family and looks great in our goods!

My name's Tiffany, and I am a Chattanooga transplant. While I'm a Tennessee native, I moved to this city from San Diego. I'm a junior Political Science major at UTC, and my concentration is International and Comparative Politics, which isn't as boring or daunting as it sounds! I love learning, and I try to translate that into every aspect of my life.

If you had a whole day free in Chattanooga, what would you do, where would you go?

I would probably start my day at Milk & Honey and grab one of their lattes. After that, I'd spend a few hours in McKay's Used Bookstore. Once I've left with 5 or 6 books, I'd make the difficult decision of eating out on the town or making myself a Thai-inspired meal. I love to cook, but not as much as I love to eat food others have made me.

Telling us something you love about working at Fredonia:

Fredonia isn't necessarily bound to any type of subculture, and it's so cool to see ladies of all color, shape, and size find some unique piece that helps express who they are to the world. I think Fredonia's collection is bizarre, unique, and beautiful. I get so excited when someone finds an article of clothing or piece of jewelry that they fall in love with immediately.


Where do you hope to be in 5 years?

I hope to be full of happiness with dear friends kept close, despite the miles that may separate us years from now. I hope to be a smarter, more mature and collected. Hopefully, I'll still be in love. Maybe I'll be in graduate school, tearing up the West Coast again.

If you could have a superhero power, what would it be and why?

I would definitely want to shoot lasers out of my eyes! No, I would love to be able to fly. I would never drive or buy plane tickets again.

Name a guilty pleasure:

I read so many fan theories about the A Song of Ice and Fire series. #nerd

Favorite local joint:

This is so difficult! I think I'll have to go with Easy Bistro. The food, drinks, and service are all so incredible. If anyone can save up or fit drinks or a meal there into their budget, I would highly recommend it. I can't express my love for their menu enough.

Anything you want to tell us that people would be surprised to know about you?

I play a lot of video games. I get a little intense when I do, so I try not to play any around other people. It's kind of embarrassing.

Thanks, Tiffany, for being such a lovely lady and looking out for us on our days off!! We are grateful to have you.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Home Tour: Meghan O'Dea

I will admit it, I love peeking into other people's homes. What people find comforting, interesting and lovely is usually reflected in their homes and that interests me. My friend, neighbor, first-time home owner, Fredonia regular and digital storyteller at The Lamp Post Group, Meghan O'Dea, recently purchased her home in Highland Park. I had the chance to get a tour today and sit down with her and her kitty, Greta, to chat. 

Meghan, where's your favorite spot to spend time in your new home?
The chaise reading corner of my studio.

What are you currently reading?
"Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf


Why Highland Park?
It's a real neighborhood, a "borrow a cup of sugar" type place.

If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it?
Cooking with Turkish and Moroccan flavors. A while ago I went on a trip to Turkey, best eating ever.


What do you love most about your job?
I get to tell people's stories, I spend all day being a part of the good things that are happening in Chattanooga.

If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and why?
The high desert of Arizona, it is so different from where I grew up here in Tennessee. I feel a strong compulsion to go and experience the desert versus the lushness of this area.

If you could have dinner with any four people, living or deceased, who would it be and why?
Alice Paul, suffragette who went on hunger strike to push through voting rights amendment
Virginia Woolf, author
Sylvia Plath, author
Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh, Art Nouveau artist
Because these are so many different bad-ass women!

Thanks, Meghan for sharing a bit about yourself and your home with us, it's quite lovely! XO


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Local Love: Solo Viva

Meet Solo Viva, a design company founded here in Chattanooga by Leo Saballos. You can read their great story here,, and now purchase their awesome and truly affordable bags at Fredonia.

So far Solo Viva has been sold only online and we are honored to have been chosen by Leo himself as his first brick and mortar location in Chattanooga. I love having the opportunity to support a fellow small business owner and especially one that generates jobs for women and gives to charity, how cool. Community rocks!

I immediately grabbed up this large tote as I had been trolling Etsy for a new computer/craft bag to haul my things to and from work in. My lap top and crochet supplies fit perfectly, it's padding and fabric make it super comfy to carry and it's a steal at $45.00.
Thank you, Leo, for thinking of us and we look forward to doing business with you!

Local Love: Solo Viva

Meet Solo Viva, a design company founded here in Chattanooga by Leo Saballos. You can read their great story here,, and now purchase their awesome and truly affordable bags at Fredonia.

So far Solo Viva has been sold only online and we are honored to have been chosen by Leo himself as his first brick and mortar location in Chattanooga. I love having the opportunity to support a fellow small business owner and especially one that generates jobs for women and gives to charity, how cool. Community rocks!

I immediately grabbed up this large tote as I had been trolling Etsy for a new computer/craft bag to haul my things to and from work in. My lap top and crochet supplies fit perfectly, it's padding and fabric make it super comfy to carry and it's a steal at $45.00.

Thank you, Leo, for thinking of us and we look forward to doing business with you!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Local Love: Niedlov's

My husband and I drive by Niedlov's to and from work every day, it's one of the first places we went when we came scouting Chattanooga over a year ago and the almond croissants had us completely hooked...and the cheddar croissants and the quiche and the mushrooben...Twenty pounds and a year later, it's a weekly stop on our work commute. We've gotten to know the girls up front and a former baker worked Sunday's for us for many months, all of them are regular customers as well.  Meet Whitney, Emily and Catherine, looking great in their favorite pieces from Fredonia.

Whitney, what are the top two things you love about working at Niedlov's?
The people I work with and the people I work for.

What's the one item at Niedlov's that shouldn't be missed?
The quiche!!

What are you currently reading?
 "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" by David Foster Wallace

What is the last thing you made?
A deeeelicious Italian sausage and mushroom soup (with Niedlov's bread on the side, of course.)

Emily, what are the top two things you love about working at Niedlov's?
I love the business' story- how it was one of the pioneer storefronts of Main Street; also, we have so many regular customers. It's such a good feeling to know and serve neighbors on a first name basis.

What is the one item that shouldn't be missed at Niedlov's?
Hands down- our cheddar pepper sourdough. The sharp cheddar cheese, the cracked black pepper... It's to die for.

What is on your current playlist? The Vespers, Fleet Foxes, and a favorite local group called Brock's Folly.

What do you love about bread?
I love that most everyone enjoys it - who doesn't love a good baguette? When loaves start coming out of the oven, the smell is the first thing that reels people in for a taste.

Catherine, what are the top two things you love about working at Niedlov's? 
My co-workers and our customers. 

What is the one item that shouldn't be missed at Niedlov's?
 Cheddar Pepper Sourdough

What do you love about bread?
Nothing can beat the smell of a fresh loaf of bread straight from the oven.

What is the last thing you made?
Peanut butter-banana smoothie

We love being a part of the Southside community and the lovely space and goods Niedlov's provides Chattanooga. If you haven't been, run don't walk, grab a fresh croissant and say hello to these lovely ladies.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Community Yoga at Fredonia

I am SO excited, starting February 15th Fredonia will be hosting community yoga! The gracious Kat Smith will lead an hour long, donation based, gentle/beginners/restorative class on Saturday mornings at 9:30. It also looks promising that we will be hosting another class during the week and I will keep you posted.

We do ask that you bring a mat and a suggested donation of $5 or more. Please feel free to call me with any questions and I'm looking forward to it! XO
