Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Five Things: My Pets

I have never not had a pet and I can't imagine my life without the comfort of animals. I have had many lovely animals through the years and am currently Mom to five very special fur babies. Delia is a 12 year old chihuahua, Isabella aka Little Big Fats is a 13 year old chihuahua, Alabama is a 12 year old Jack Russell, Lulu is a derpy 2 year old Redbone Coonhound and Cima is a 4 year old Ragdoll kitty. They each have their own quirks and special personalities, there's never a dull moment at home and I miss them when I am away from the house at all.

Five Things: My Pets

  1. Delia's belly smells like cornchips. I love it.
  2. Big Fats is ALWAYS happy. ALWAYS.
  3. Lulu's hugs and snuggles are a cure all to whatever ails me and her overbite slays me. 
  4. Alabama patrols the yard and keeps us safe from bad birds and squirrels, she has a zero tolerance policy for them in her yard.
  5. Cima is an excellent conversationalist.
Hug your pet for me today! XO

Monday, March 17, 2014

Lovely: Vintage Photos

 I love old photographs because they speak to me of our shared humanity, don't we all photograph our loved ones, homes, pets, friends, vacations, weddings, holidays and things we think are beautiful? When I rummage through old photos at yard sales, flea markets and thrift stores, no matter the decade, these are the glimpses into the lives of strangers I see. I like to imagine the stories behind these photos, the day in the life of the person or thing being photographed.All taken from once-cherished photo albums and now left to strangers to paw through, I guess I recognize something of my sentimental self when I look at what was once special to someone else. So much has changed and yet what these old photos tell me is that things really aren't so different in out hearts.  

These photos aren't from my collection, that post is for another day when I feel like rummaging through boxes, but from one of my Pinterest boards of old photos I have found on line and love. I hope you will enjoy.




Saturday, March 15, 2014

Guest Blogger: Lindsey Lowe!

I've said it before, the best part of my "job" is meeting people and building community, finding connectedness and the shared threads that make us human. Like Lindsey, I am in a place where I seek to be lifted up and encouraged by those I give my love and time to and I truly hope this blog is a place where we can get to know and support each other. So, that said, please enjoy our latest guest blog post and photos by Lindsey Lowe.


Sometimes all we really need is to feel safe. Even as babies, new to the world, we crave that feeling of being wrapped tightly, swaddled, protected from the abyss of the unfamiliar.  And we all seem to carry our own rhetorical safety blankets into adulthood. Sometimes that safe feeling finds us through a phone call to mom or hidden in the pages of a well-worn book. Other times we find it in uglier forms; at the bottom of a bottle or even in an ill thought out night with someone we used to love. If we’re lucky, we grow into ourselves enough with time, so that we can bear our own weight without these crutches. I’m not saying we outgrow the need for people or human contact, but we can learn to be selective, to guard our hearts from things that feel safe, but in the long haul are doing us more harm than good.

In attempt to better guard my own heart, I’ve been cleaning house in the friend department lately. I guess you could say I’m at a no-bullshit place in life. I find that I don’t really have space in my world anymore for fair-weather friends (aka: drinking buddies), people who only know how to take or even just those overtly negative humans who can’t seem to recognize good even as it slaps their faces. I used to feel safe with these “friends.” I used to feel at home with boyfriends who didn’t think twice about yelling in my face or calling me “bitch.” I had grown accustomed to a life in which I didn’t really value myself much, so why would I demand to be valued by the people in my periphery? But years and life experience have shown me a different way to be. Though the thought of being alone used to terrify me, I know feel a kind of comfort in solitude. Perhaps it’s a growing up thing, that ability to be alone with your own thoughts. Maybe it comes with accepting who you are, whereyou are and where you intend to go. Even more so, I think it comes with the decision to be grateful along the way.

My mom always told me growing up that happiness was a choice. I’m only slightly ashamed to say it has taken me 28 years of getting it wrong to recognize the truth in that. I think she meant it more in terms of being happy in the moment, rather than long-term happiness, but what a revelation. When we can wrap our heads around that almost absurdly simple fact, what a difference it makes! Even when it seems that everything around us has turned to garbage, we should be hard-pressed not to find something to be joyful about. Sometimes we just need to get Peter Pan with it. Find a happy thought, guys. Life is weird. It’s hard. It has a knack for tripping us up. And for some of us, we trip A LOT. But shitstorms aside, life is a lovely thing. Every day we waste pouting or spewing our negativity is one we can never reclaim. So just today, I petition you to think of three things that make you unequivocally happy. Dwell on these things, for life is short. Find beauty in the everyday, and let those simple daily joys be your safety.

I am thankful for…

-My spirited and imaginative son, Cohen and our time together each day.
-Music that makes me feel something!
-Books + words + word games

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Its loveliness increases. It shall never pass into nothingness.” John Keats

Monday, March 10, 2014

DIY Plant Hanger

Yes, I admit it, I'm a Pinterest junkie, I can fall into a hole for hours, SO much eye candy. But I actually find it very useful, I have made and cooked so many amazing things from this site and been turned on to so many blogs and other awesome sites because of it. Another thing I love about Pinterest are the simple DIY projects using items most of us have around the house. Since I have so much yarn on hand due to my recent obsession with crocheting, I thought this yarn plant hanger would make a great and easy DIY post.

 Here are the materials I used.

-Metal ring. I used a key chain ring.
-Metal can, glass jar, clay pot. Whichever you prefer, you can switch them out too!
I spray painted my metal can because I had some on hand and my was painted a few years ago with acrylic paint.

Step 1: Get a metal ring, scissors and yarn of your choice.

Step 2: Cut 4 equal lengths of yarn. I cut mine the length of my outstretched arms, about 50 inches each.

Step 3: Thread the four pieces of yarn through the ring and situate the ring in the center. Now you have 8 pieces of yarn hanging from the ring. Tie a simple knot with all 8 pieces just below the ring.


Step 4: At this point is was easier for me to work by hanging this from a nail on the wall. Measure down about 8 inches and tie 2 adjacent pieces of yarn together in a knot. Do this all around so you have 4 knots at the same level.

Step 5: 4 inches down, take the yarn below two of the knots and tie one piece of one to one piece of the other, like you did in step 3. Do the same with the yarn below the next knotted section, until you have 8 knots all at the same level. At this point the hanger will become connected and circular.

Step 6: Gather all 8 pieces of yarn together about 4 inches down and tie them all up in a big knot. Trim, braid or add beads. Be as creative as you'd like!   .

Here's my finished hanger with a jar, can and pot. I left my yarn uneven and free hanging. You can make these longer or shorter, out of rope, plastic or fabric, you could add beads as well. This simple hanger took me less than 10 minutes start to finish. Have fun with this!


P.S: My apologies for the poor photo quality, I have to use my Iphone. XO, Morgan

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Little Made Market

I have had the idea for a cool, indie craft market for Chattanooga since I moved here a year ago and I am so pleased to announce that it is happening!! The Little Made Market is going down on Saturday, May 24th in the parking lot behind the St. Andrews Center in Highland Park. A collaborative effort with my friend and HP neighbor, Khristy Wilkinson, we are now accepting applications for crafters and looking for local food vendors as well.

Khristy and I are enthusiastic about handcrafts, our neighborhood and the importance of celebrating both, here's our "About" from the website:

To provide indie crafters and artists an opportunity to sell and promote their wares, The Little Made Market was founded in 2014 by Morgan Claborn and Khristy Wilkinson. This market is a celebration of all things handmade, but more importantly it is a celebration of the creative community in and around Chattanooga, TN. There is a tremendous amount of talent in our area that deserves a locally-focused, independent craft show; it is important for the community to see the value of what is being created around them and the goods they can buy locally rather than corporately. Highland Park is quickly becoming one of the city's most vibrant creative communities so we are proud to host our first market here and lucky to call the neighborhood home.

Please take a look at our website,, and please link it, post it, pass it along! Hope to see you all there! XO