Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Five Things: My Pets

I have never not had a pet and I can't imagine my life without the comfort of animals. I have had many lovely animals through the years and am currently Mom to five very special fur babies. Delia is a 12 year old chihuahua, Isabella aka Little Big Fats is a 13 year old chihuahua, Alabama is a 12 year old Jack Russell, Lulu is a derpy 2 year old Redbone Coonhound and Cima is a 4 year old Ragdoll kitty. They each have their own quirks and special personalities, there's never a dull moment at home and I miss them when I am away from the house at all.

Five Things: My Pets

  1. Delia's belly smells like cornchips. I love it.
  2. Big Fats is ALWAYS happy. ALWAYS.
  3. Lulu's hugs and snuggles are a cure all to whatever ails me and her overbite slays me. 
  4. Alabama patrols the yard and keeps us safe from bad birds and squirrels, she has a zero tolerance policy for them in her yard.
  5. Cima is an excellent conversationalist.
Hug your pet for me today! XO

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