Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cohenisms and Haircuts: Guest post by Lindsey Lowe

My son, Cohen, is a bit particular. Okay, maybe even borderline OCD. And since he was bitty, he has had major hang-ups about getting his hair cut. This has presented somewhat of a problem because he's got a lot of hair! And it seems to grow at rocket speed. Fortunately for everyone involved, a solution has emerged, and that beautiful, talented and ever-so-lovely solution is Morgan Claborn.

Not only does Morgan do a fantastic job on my child's perpetually untidy and cowlick-ridden head of hair, but also he absolutely ADORES her. It probably doesn't hurt that she is willing to amuse him in all his quirks and Cohenisms, such as "how many times are you going to use THOSE scissors?" So now my son actually looks forward to haircuts, and I am doubly happy because his hair has never looked so great.

Morgan has more than 10 years experience as a stylist, and she also has amazing personal taste. Her affinity for aesthetics is something I believe makes her topnotch as hair stylists go. It puts her in another realm. She not only knows what looks good, but she also has the skills needed to bring forth those good looks. Her attention to detail also adds to the overall success of each cut.

She now cuts my hair, my son's hair (of course), my sister's hair and she also unleashes her talents on the heads of many of my Chattanooga friends and acquaintances. Her rates are more than affordable, and her company is delightful to boot. If you are looking for a new summer style, I cannot recommend her enough.

Thanks Lindsey, I ADORE Cohen so dealing with his "isms" is great fun! Guys, if you want a cut, email me at morgangriggs@att.net and I will pass along my cell phone number to you.

All the Best XO, Morgan


  1. How can I reach this amazing Morgan? My Jackson has virtual hair ear muffs because his hair is so grown out. I need her!

  2. Hi Melanie, you can email me at morgangriggs@att.net
